This is the title

Warpriest is a husband and wife duo from the Atlanta area playing traditional doom music in the style of Witch Mountain, Trouble, The Skull and (of course) Black Sabbath.
May is Mental Health Awareness month. Last year we released a remixed version of our single, “In a Land Without a Sun”, as well as an accompanying video and merch to help raise funds. We were able to raise $100 to donate to the National Alliance of Mental Illness. This year we are continuing the campaign to raise money over the month of May for NAMI, and to offer some hope to people that are in a darkness.
To achieve this, the profits from the sales of this single, as well as the merchandise, will be donated to NAMI. We are also offering the song as a free download on Bandcamp for those who need help in this fight.
Both Elis and I have dealt with mental health issues in our lives, as well as with family and loved ones. With this song we chose to describe some of the emotions of dealing with those feelings of despair and loneliness that come from that struggle. We also wanted to say that there is hope, that there are people out there that care about you in your struggles, and to not give up. To wait for a “star” to guide you back to the light.
The month of May.