Warpriest “Sineater” Song Breakdown
August 18, 2022
Warpriest “Caravan of Lust” Song Breakdown
August 20, 2022August 13th was the one year anniversary of the release of Warpriest’s “Dark Ages”. All week I am doing a series of videos talking about the inspiration behind the songs. Today, it is about the song, “Fractured Mirror”. You can view the video on YouTube, or on your favorite social media site.
Since it is the one year anniversary, we are doing a give away of the Dark Ages CD and some Warpriest swag. All you have to do to enter, is comment on one of the videos on YouTube, Instagram or Facebook. After all the videos are posted, a winner will be selected at random.
Video Text
Okay, we’re heading into the home stretch here with “Fractured Mirror”, song number five off of “Dark Ages” by Warpriest. Fractured Mirror was one of those songs that I needed something to fill the album. I like to do about seven songs per album, and I think I had about four songs. It was written in March of 2021, so it didn’t have very long before the album. Most of my songs will kick off pretty quickly. This song, I decided to hold back the drums and the bass for a while, to build up the mood with the subject matter of the song. You may not be able to hear it, I didn’t want it to be too loud in the mix, but there is a part where in the bridge building up to the chorus, where I have violins and an organ in there as well. Also, halfway through the solo, it reverses. I think everything reverses in it, the drums, the guitars, the keyboard and the solo. With the exception of maybe the bass in snare drum, I think they didn’t sound good when I reversed them, so I kept them actually playing straight through.
Lyrically, the Fractured Mirror is a metaphor for our phones or electronic devices that we have. Through them we can see a distorted view of ourselves and also the world around us. I think in the last few years we can really see how social media can affect people’s mental wellbeing. I was addressing that in this song about how these things can become distorted. The brokenness, the fractured part is not a physically fractured thing, but actually a morally fractured part. I spend quite a bit of time on social media and for the most part I enjoy it. I try and bring entertainment and humor to people in my postings, in my dealings, and especially in the last few years I really tried to get rid of all the talk of politics and things that just seem to separate us and are negative to us. But even with that, there are times I can get burnt out and just get tired of social media, get tired of the way that people argue, post negatively, or even the aspect of when some people are having a good life and maybe you’re having a bad life at that time, and it can just be straining to you. So in the chorus it’s saying, “look away from its gaze”, and it’s talking about taking a break sometimes and just getting off of there, and go out and enjoy life with your loved ones, your family, your friends, or like I like to do, just take a walk in nature, and just get away from all that stuff.
So once again, comment under this video whether on YouTube, Instagram or Facebook, and you will be entered to win free copy, of the Warpriest Dark Ages CD (even free shipping). And there’s going to be some swag in there. I even got a new Warpriest button that I’m going to be giving you, and as well as a doom sticker. So, I mean, come on, all you have to do is comment and you’re entering to win. So talk to you later. Oh, I forgot to say, if you didn’t know this already, there is a video for Fractured Mirror that is out on YouTube. It’s a beautiful video of just my face, so I know you’re going to want to see it just for that. You can turn the sound off and just stare lovingly into my gaze.